Saturday, 14 January 2012

i married you (part 12)

My three sisters
Around 08hrs in the evening, Alice called me; “Hi James, how are you doing there?” I’m fine; you have called me at a right time when I was just thinking about you… “Sure, so where are you?” I’m in my room... “Can you do me a favor…?” Yes dear, what can I do for you? “If the weather is cool go out and see if the sky is clear…” I walked outside while we were talking and I said; yes the sky here is very clear… “So it is here” she said. What can I do now? “From where I’m standing I can see the three stars to the east side, they are in the same line… can you see them…?” she asked. …Yes, I can see them as well here, we call them <three sisters> Ok, you can get inside now if it’s cold out there…I just wanted to show you the stars and tell you that; I hate stars because I look at the same ones, as you do but without you by my side…ha…ha…ha; you are really funny I said; …you know what…? I asked and continued talking… you have reminded me about my old days…when I was 9 in ‹‹Chilonga village››, my grandfather told us a story about the stars… one evening we sat around the fire with my cousins and then he (grandfather) asked us to look in the sky to show us the stars and he said; “each one of us has one star as a guardian angel” …and has he was saying we saw the shooting star and then he said; …you see that angel is going to guard his person… “ha… ha…ha… your ‹‹grandpa›› was funny anyway don’t worry I shall be your shooting star in your dark moments…” Said Alice. …and then I said; I cannot let you go back to the sky… ha… ha… ha… we talked and laughed and then she said; “James, let me leave with you a food for thought; as you go in bed ...send the answer tomorrow… Wind is to fire… as absence is to------?” really it’s a food for thoughtI remained outside over 30 minutes
Next day I sent her the sms… my first answer was MISS ‹‹absence is to miss›› but later in the night she sent me the sms;
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. Hence, absence is to LOVE, gud nite.
It was always difficult to predict her answer in every question she asked me; I thought. I replied later on.
For real absences, is to love, because it was a year and half of our distance relationship and yet love and trust for each other have grown mature… we exchanged our passwords of all our social networks… and at time I used to open her facebook account and chat with her friends, while I pretended to be Alice. One day she wrote and posted my STATUS on my fb’s wall... For a while I did not open my fb account, so when I was at school one of my friends on fb asked; “James, when did it happen..?” What do you mean; I asked? “… I’m talking about what you posted on your status yesterday…” What!!!...? I excused myself and went to check my fb status, it read “James, just got married” …I did not change it… I realized it was Alice so I sent her the sms
Baby why didn’t you tell me that you have changed my fb status, u embarrassed me today at school, my friends asked me about it and I remained mute

Thursday, 12 January 2012

I married you. (part 11)

Dear Alice,

In the first place I would like to thank God who has given me this chance to write you a letter for the first time ever since we came to know each other. It`s really hard to write a letter in today’s world because there are now faster means of communication that surpasses this old fashion type of communication. However, I thought of giving you something in a written form for your historical reasons.

I would like to let you know that you mean a lot to me since the day I set my eyes on you until the far we have gone in our relationship. I thank God for bringing you in my life when I desperately needed someone like you. I am happy to let you know that my life has changed dramatically since our first encounter. Your good personality which has helped me to be the person I am today.

Darling, you have occupied my heart in a very special way and I cannot stop thinking about you. The very thought that you are a virgin and that you will preserve it for me keeps recurring in my mind. I am very grateful for this special gift though I feel unworthy of such a special gift.

My sweet, be assured of my love for you, despite the distance between us. I renew my promise to remain faithful to you throughout my life. Remember my dear Alice, I love you for who you are in my life and I believe that you were meant for me. The love I have for you is so immense that I have never felt this way for any other girl who came my way before you. You are my treasure and I keep you secure in the safest corner of my heart.

Finally, I have enclosed my childhood photos and recent ones. Keep them safe.

With lots of Love


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

ti ho sposata (parte 5)

La mia vacanza, il viaggio.

Nel mese di gennaio dopo il periodo di Natale i prezzi dei biglietti aerei sono stati ridotti a 600 £ andata e ritorno, che è stato da Roma-Italia, aeroporto di Fiumicino a Lusaka, Zambia,  aeroporto Kenneth Kaunda. Quindi, ho deciso di comprarlo anche se mancavano oncora due mesi e mezzo prima della mia vacanza. Nel mese di febbraio abbiamo iniziato a scrivere la fine degli esami del primo semestre. I giorni passano molto velocemente, dopo gli esami ho iniziato la preparazione per il mio viaggio e il 18 marzo, sono partito per lo Zambia. Ho avuto un volo alle 00:05 ora italiana. Tuttavia, alle 22  circa ore ero già in aeroporto e prima del check-up, ho comprato alcuni gettoni telefonici e sono andato da un telefono pubblico in aeroporto a chiamare Chishimba, il mio amico in Zambia. Il telefono ha squillato per alcune volte e poi ha risposto "Ciao amico James ..." ciao, come hai fatto a sapere che ero io, "Ho visto il numero internazionale,,," Ok, amico ascolta, sto per partire. Ho chiamato per chiedere se  puoi venire a prendermi all'aeroporto. Inoltre, se non ti dispiace, puoi venire con Florence  all'aeroporto ...? "Sì amico, infatti mi ha chiesto di te" Che cosa ha detto? "No! Ha solo chiesto quando torni  per le vacanze ... non vedo l'ora di vederti, "Anch'io amico ciao, ciao! La linea si è interrotta. Oh mio Dio, ho dimenticato di dirgli l'ora dell'atteggio in Zambia. In ogni caso il messaggio è stato inviato; alle 23:00 abbiamo iniziato l'imbarco. Il viaggio sembrava essere particolarmente noioso perchè non avevo nessuno con cui parlare. All'ingresso dell'aereo le hostess mi hanno accolto: <buon viaggio signore, questo è il suo posto>> grazie signora. Il mio numero era ET 703 accanto alla finestra e di fronte a me sedeva un uomo bianco.
Abbiamo volato per  05 ore e 45 minuti NON STOP da Roma-Fiumicino a Addis Abeba-Etiopia. Ho usato compagnie aeree etiopi. 30 minuti dopo il decollo, ho preso l'mp3 e ho iniziato ad ascoltare canzoni di Lucky Dube. Tutti sembravano godersi il viaggio, alcuni leggevano i romanzi, altri parlavano tra loro, altri dormivano e altri come me avevano le cuffie per ascoltare musica. A tutti noi sembrava molto sicuro e confortevole. 3 ore dopo la nostra partenza, ci fu un annuncio da parte del pilota. ATTENZIONE! "Allacciate le cinture di sicurezza," Ho guardato attraverso il finestrino ed era ancora buio. La tensione è subito salita quando le hostess sono passate veloci per garantire che tutti avessero allacciato la cintura. Ho tolto le cuffie e ho sperimentato un silenzio molto profondo, erano tutti ammutoliti. Sentivo solo il motore dell'aereo. Ci siamo avvicinati ad una tempesta di vento molto brutta ...l'aereo cominciò a muoversi improvvisamente su e giù, andando incontro alla tempesta ... Ho sentito una donna seduta di fronte a me, chiamare a voce bassa: "! Gesù, Gesù, Gesù" Sono diventato molto teso, 10 minuti di questa tensione sembravano ore. In seguito abbiamo superato la tempesta e l'areo è tornato alla normalità.
Ore 04:20 circa, orario etiope ... siamo atterrati e siamo rimasti ad Addis Abeba per circa quattro ore. Alle 07:00 siamo partiti per lo Zambia via Zimbabwe. Non appena abbiamo cominciato, ho detto una preghiera questa volta, ero un po' nervoso. In quel volo non ero seduto sul lato del finestrino, ma c'era una ragazza. Questa ragazza non si è mai presa la briga di guardarmi o salutarmi ... Mentre stavamo volando, ha iniziato a scattare delle fotografie. Stavo cercando un modo per iniziare una conversazione con lei. Quindi, mi sono alzato  e ho preso la mia macchina fotografica da una piccola borsa ... beh, questa sarà la scusa per parlare con questa ragazza, ho pensato mentre mettevo le batterie nella macchina fotografica. Scusa? Puoi scattarmi una foto con la mia macchina fotografica? "Certo perché no ..." rispose lei. Ha preso la mia macchina fotografica e scattato altre foto ... "Va bene, ne faccio diverse, così potrai scegliere le migliori" Grazie. "Di niente", ha detto. Dove sei diretta? Ho chiesto solo per mantenere aperto il dialogo mentre stavo dando un'occhiata alle foto prese. "Oh! Dici a me ?? Sto andando in Zambia "Sei dello Zambia?, ho chiesto "Sì, ti sembra di no?" No! Ho chiesto solo perché stiamo sorvolando lo Zimbabwe, così ho pensato che potresti essere una cittadina dello Zimbabwe. "Io cittadina dello Zimbabwe? No!!!!" mi guardò e rise ... Sì, la gente dello Zimbabwe assomiglia a quella dello Zambia: "Non credo,,, In Canada, ho incontrato donne dello Zimbabwe e sono stata in grado di dire a prima vista che non erano cittadine dello Zambia "Ok lasciami dire, alcuni assomigliano a noi. "Ah .. Se lo dici tu io sono d'accordo".
Sembrava una ragazza chiusa quando abbiamo iniziato il viaggio, ma mi sono reso conto che era molto  estroversa. Abbiamo parlato di religione, la politica dello Zambia, di esperienze personali nel paese straniero e su questioni universitarie. "Comunque, io sono Lillian ..." ha detto. Oh, certo! Non ci siamo presentati prima, io sono James Sikanla. "James Sinkala ...?" Sì, perché me lo chiedi? "No, solo per mia curiosità, tu sei l'autore di tale articolo che è stato recentemente pubblicato a Lusaka Times, il giornale on-line;? Titolo (LA FILOSOFIA DEL Donchi KUBEBE E NAFUTI NAFUTI il tuono nella politica dello Zambia) ??..." Oh, sì sono io, cosa ne pensi? "Beh, se leggi i commenti, vedrai che ne ho scritto una là, comunque, che era una buona dissertazione, è bello conoscerti di persona" Grazie per il complimento. Le 4 ore di viaggio NO-STOP ore sembravarono più brevi, siamo atterrati in Zimbabwe e 45 minuti dopo siamo partiti per lo Zambia, la destinazione finale del viaggio ...

I married you. (part 10)

Distance relationship

…there was a knock at the door of my room… When I opened it was Marco. “Oh James finally you are back,” Marco said, while hanging me… We greeted each other and sat on the chairs. “How was your holiday…?” said Marco. It was wonderful, my family and friends are all doing fine… but there is one more thing that made my holiday seems shorter… “And what would be that, don’t tell me, you met with Florence…”said Marco… ‹‹Yes, I met her››. “How is she?” …I’m sure she is fine; we alone met once, on the very day I arrived… “What happened after seeing her…?” Marco was very curious to know how far I have gone with Florence…

After seeing Florence, I had no more fantasy of starting anything serious, I thought of taking her as my mere friend… “Now what is it that made your long holiday seem shorter…?” Two weeks before coming, I met a girl by the name of Alice…. The girl just stole my heart, with her beauty… “You mean she was more beautiful than Florence?” Of course yes, besides her beauty, I came to discover that she was very simple and intelligent... “I can imagine how you are feeling ‹‹in Italy we say that; love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation››” sure, that is my experienced… but I’m very afraid… “Why are you afraid… you think she did not love you much?” No Marco, she did love me a lot, I was able to tell in few occasions I had with her… “But what makes you afraid if she loves you…?” I think, I did not have enough time to show her, how much she meant to me…

“…James, there is love at first sight and love at first bite; I mean the very moment your eyes met with her eyes… there something stronger than yourselves was born… how often were you communicating when you were there?” Marco asked… We used to communicate almost every day, by sms and on phone calls… there were moments when we used to talk almost the all night on phone… “Now that you are too far from her, you should know that; e-mails, chat on FB (facebook) or phone calls will never take the place of you in this long distance relationship...” said Marco. What do you mean and what can I do? I asked… “Even though we have now faster means of communication… try to use at times the old fashion of communication… to keep the romance alive in a distance relationship… By old fashion I mean; send each other sweet letters, using your handwriting, cards, or even sexy pictures it will help to keep the passion in your relationship alive.” As we were talking with Marco, my phone rang; I checked… it was a message from Alice;

If the only place, where I could see you was in my dreams, I could sleep forever. I miss you James

I showed Marco the sms and he said; “Oh!!! Alice, è scioca inamorata di te… reply fast” What shall I write? I thought and then I sent a short sms as well;

‹‹ together forever and never apart maybe in distance, but never in heart››

It’s now 3weeks since, I came back from Zambia but there has never been a day I slept without hearing from her; I told Marco and then he said; “…make it a point to spend time with her on chat or phone as often as you can and do something romantic for her… James, remember that even sharing little things that only the two of you know about, will help to make the time apart go faster until you can see each other again… Talking often will help you feel as if you are closer, than you really are... no matter how long the long distance you are… you may find that talking often makes the time go quicker until you are with each other more permanently…

“James, it has been nice to be with you… I heard you came back but I had no time to and see you, so today I thought of passing here before, going for sports…” Oh!!! Today its Thursday… anyway I shall join you next week. “Ciao James…” Ciao, Marco, we shall meet on opening day at the university… “Ok.. ciao ciao!!!” Marco said while getting in his car.

When Marco left me, I read once more the message I received from Alice and later I thought of writing her a letter;

Monday, 9 January 2012

Manchester United Vs Manchester City (3-2)

Rooney is the best in the field, that Archives the decisive two goals in favor of Manchester United. The City, however, Nasri disappointed with his fans again.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

I married you. (part 9)

Second appointment with Alice

On the weekend we met in Ndola as we agreed… Neither of us knew any special place in Ndola, so we board a bus that was going to Mufurila and we got-off at Dolla hill turn-off and we had to walk in the small road in the middle of the forest… It was quiet and lovely… Alice, do you know that today is the last time we are meeting…? “Yes, you told me on phone, I can’t believe how days are moving so fast” Sure, time is jealous; I said. As we were walking Alice still maintained her principles, she never hold my hands even though we were alone at the middle of that forest but she walked closer to me… This day I fancied her a lot but she noticed me and she fast brought in a discussion;

James, though our love and trust for each other has grown so fast, we have to bear in mind that we do not know each other yet and soon we are to get into a distance relationship, which will not be easy for me” …Alice, what do you mean it will not be easy for you and what are you suggesting…? She replied fast. “James, it will not be easy for me because, a part of you has grown in me already,
I love you and I need you by my side every time... This was the fast time Alice said I love you, before me… so to confirm that I asked; sure? “…yes James, nalikutemwa sanafya (I love you very much)” she answered while looking in my eyes… I added; Alice naine nalikutemwa (I love you too); And then she continued saying; “James, we have to make the rules and boundaries of our relationship known ahead of us before the distance becomes an issue between us. By rules, I mean what we shall be expecting from each other; remember we need to have same plans and same goals” …Yes dear, you have a point; I said… “James, if we stay in touch our relationship will be flourishing” …Sure Alice, I will try to talk to you every day or at least every after few days so that we don't grow apart Even though, I do have pressure from school work at times. “…No!!! Don’t even panic, I will understand you… just make dates when you will be talking to me” …Alice, to be real with you… I’m afraid, I mean, will you remain faithful until I come back next year…? “James, I cannot do or say anything at the moment but if you trust me I can be happy… I’m a virgin and I promise to keep my virginity until that day, if you are serious this is the best gift I will keep for you…” I think Alice, is just too intelligent for me; I thought, while I was reflecting on what she just said... Thank you Alice, for that gift… for sure, I never thought I deserve that.

We reached at Dolla hill and we board again a minibus to get back in Ndola town…We had lunch from “hungry Lion” …Later, we went to the bus station and before she got into the bus I gave her peg-kiss and she left for Lunshya and I board Mufurila bus as well... On my way I sent her the message (sms) thanks for you time dear, travel well… she replied just after few minutes… “Thank u Jamesthat farewell kiss which resembled a greeting, it has become the sharpest source of my sorrow, I’m already missing you” …We continued exchanging sms until I reached home.

Two days later I left for Lusaka were I stayed for few days to Chishimba’s place and then I left for Italy.